What does Poston Medical Transport provide?

  • We provide compassionate, affordable transportation for all your ambulatory and wheelchair needs. Our specially equipped van allows us to have various seating options or the ability to perform multiple transports at a time.
  • We provide free estimates and consultations for new ambulatory & wheelchair clients.
  • We provide transportation in Salem, Keizer, Albany, Corvallis, Canby, Dallas, Independence, Jefferson, McMinnville, Mt. Angel, Scio, Silverton, Stayton, Woodburn, and all areas in between.
  • Up to two full size manual standard, bariatric, and electric wheelchairs with patients and any combination.
  • Two caregivers and two additional passengers.
  • Total van capacity including driver, 7.
  •  Wireless internet onboard all Poston Medical Tranport vans.

Make us your transport company of choice.

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